
Safer Sunscreen & Tanning
There are so many safer options out there, that it should be fairly easy to find one that will work best for you and your family. But how do you know which one to pick? Here are five suggestions to look for when searching for a safer alternative to traditional sunscreen…

CoMo Wellness Conference Update
While listening to the speakers I learned that food can be very healing to the body which is why it's so important to not only focus on what you're putting on your skin but also what you're putting in your body. There seems to always be so much to learn and of course there's always new research coming out and being developed, which is why continued conferences such as CoMo Wellness are so beneficial to our community. I leave feeling refreshed, rejuvenated in my mission, and ready to take on the world…

B Corp, what?
Did you know that there's only a little over 2,000 certified B Corporations worldwide and that Beautycounter is one of them?! Shut the front door...

10 minute daily workout challenge
It's that time of year for New Year's resolutions, fitness challenges, and diet crazes. For me, I choose not to look at it as a fad trend, but as a lifestyle change. I want to live life well in this temple God has given me for as long as I'm able. That's only possible though if I'm taking care of myself along the way.

Switch to Safer- My 'Why'
A childhood friend of mine runs a successful life and style blog called Holy City Chic and I had been following her blog's instagram posts for some time. One day I saw a picture she posted of a face wash and moisturizer in beautiful packaging (y'all, there really is something to pretty packaging) and decided to click the link in her profile to read more about it. It was here that I discovered the name Beautycounter and began to learn more about both the company and the products they sold.

Hot Yoga Insights
Y'all, I grew up in the south with mild winters and sweltering summers, but even I think calling it hot yoga is putting it mildly. Have you ever tried it? Within minutes my skin is glistening and my breathing a little heavier. But you know what?...