10 minute daily workout challenge

It's that time of year for New Year's resolutions, fitness challenges, and diet crazes.  For me,  I choose not to look at it as a fad trend, but as a lifestyle change.  I want to live life well in this temple God has given me for as long as I'm able.  That's only possible though if I'm taking care of myself along the way.  

I like the idea of making handfuls of "small changes" over time as I move toward making a bigger lifestyle shift.  Side note,  did you know it takes around 21 days to make something a habit.  But in order to get to 21 days, you've got to give yourself grace and celebrate the baby steps along the way.  Because of that, my goal for the month is to develop small habits that will l lead to a stronger core and lower back in order to help alleviate some hip tightness and lower back aches.  I will break this goal down into smaller attainable goals that I can incorporate daily, even in the busiest of schedules.  This week I will complete a 10 minute workout every day for the next 7 days.  The exercises I'll be doing during each 10 minutes session are outlined below.  


1. Crunches x 20

How to do a basic crunch- click here

2. Leg Raises x 20

How to do leg raises- click here

3. Toe Touches x 20

How to do a toe touch- click here

4. Side crunches x 20 reps each side

How to do a side crunch- click here

5. 15lb RDLs x 20 

How to do a kettlebell RDL- click here

6. Side steps with resistance band x 20 sets (five steps to one direction, then five in the opposite direction for 1 rep)

How to do side steps with resistance band- click here



Enemy of the Heart


New Year Reset