What’s in a name?


Well, really, it was less of a specific moment and more of a series of experiences that inspired me to create this blog.  I've been an avid reader for as long as I can remember and I've always enjoyed reading the thoughts, experiences, and ideas of others. But I also have a variety of other interests, too- from health and fitness to DIY projects and traveling.  I find that I don't just enjoy any one thing, but love adding spice to my life through a variety of experiences.

I've discovered that I usually have a bajillion thoughts running through my head and I tend to gain a substantial amount of clarity through putting those thoughts down on paper.  Because of this, I'd been toying with the idea, for some time, of owning my own blog as a form of an online journal (so to speak).  Pablo Picasso said "The meaning of life is to find your gift.  The purpose of life is to give it away."  So, why not?  Why not share my life with others?  I may not always know my purpose, but I know I have one.  And maybe, just maybe, the bigger purpose is to share my gifts and experiences with others so they might discover their purpose as well. 

So the decision was made.  Which meant I could finally tell my fiancé and biggest fan, Casey.  For anyone that knows me,  they know I'll toy with an idea for weeks (and sometimes months) before sharing it with anyone.  My dad jokes I should have been in the CIA.  I like to take my time to think through my thoughts and ideas. I especially want to be sure of how I feel about an idea as well as my course of action for making it happen before sharing with others.  So I finally told Casey I wanted to start a blog, but had no idea what to name it.  I wanted a name that was simple, chic, and southern, but something that would also represent my faith during this journey.  

Two days later we were sitting in church listening to Matt Kearn's series on grace.  Here's a few highlights of what I learned that day:

1. Grace is the free and unmerited favor of God

2. Evidence of grace IN our lives is grace delivered THROUGH our lives. 

3. The Son of man didn't come to be served, but to serve

(I would highly encourage you to listen to the whole sermon which you can do by clicking here)

Somewhere in the middle of the sermon I had my "aha" moment and thought to myself, "why not Gracefully Made?"  It perfectly described my life as a disciple of Christ.  We are all gracefully made, there is no perfect person.  But it also perfectly described my motivation for writing this bog.  I plan to share my stories on family, health and wellness, travel, and DIY projects as a way to share my purpose and serve others.  Through the process I hope to also grow in my ability to be more graceful, both with myself and with others.  I pray I will show others the evidence of grace in my life by delivering grace through my life.


Beach Vacation


Hello World